02 August 2021

Bunnahabhain 6 2013 SMWS 10.193 "Simply peat"/"Purest peat"

Initially I earmarked some Bunnahabhain sister casks for a side by side. Between making that decision and now, it started with 3 or 4, grew to 5, then to 6, I gave it a “Devil’s Drams” theme (6 casks, 6 years old, 6 maturation styles), but then it just kept going. I’ve acquired a bunch more and I feel it got a bit too unwieldy for a single side by side post (also kind of tough to side by side so many drams), so I’ve decided to just post them all independently as a series. So, here and forthcoming are each of my reviews of the Bunnahabhains I have acquired from the same distillation conducted independently.

Bunnahabhain 6, 2013 Vintage, Scotch Malt Whisky Society 10.193, Islay Single Malt, 60.1% ABV

Minutia: Distilled on October 17, 2013 and matured in a re-charred hogshead for 6 years yielding 256 bottles. This is part of the Heavily Peated flavor profile named “Purest peat”. It was renamed due to TTB nonsense for the 750ml bottle released for the United States which was renamed as “Simply peat”. Enjoyed neat in a glencairn.

Color: Deep gold, 0.8.

Nose: Smoke, seaweed, a fleeting sweetness.

Taste: Earthy, salty, mineral. Smoky/charred wood after. Potent.

Finish: Mineral, dry/woody, a bit of char/ash, some savory element. Long.

This is decent but not spectacular. The nose is the best part, I’ll be trying this with water in the future as I think that would help with the taste and finish being held back a tiny bit.

Score: 85

Musical Evocation: Mayhem – “Pure Fucking Armageddon”

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