14 June 2021

High Coast Timmer

Part of what they called the Origins series, this is a Swedish peated single malt given the name of the Swedish word for ‘timber.’ I love peat, and I’m always interested in exploring that outside of Islay and outside of Scotland. The only peated Swedish malt I’ve had thus far was from Mackmyra which involved some juniper in the smoking as well, so it’s nice to try some more traditional peated whisky from Sweden.

High Coast Timmer, Sweden Single Malt, 48% ABV

Minutia: Matured for seven years in first fill bourbon casks in Ångermanälven, Sweden. Enjoyed neat in a glencairn.

Color: Pale gold, 0.3.

Nose: Grape gum, green smoke, vanilla.

Taste: Floral, fruity, smoke.

Finish: The sip of a mocha latte where you also get the cinnamon on the top in the sip. Some smoke after that, the cinnamon kinds of turns into smoke, and then it becomes like a charred marshmallow. 

Really nice, especially on the finish. The alone got this up a few points, and I’ll be following thie distillery more closely. I’m disappointed I wasn’t able to get a bottle of the 63, but I’ll be keeping an eye out for sure.

Score: 85

Musical Evocation: Bathory – ‘Born for Burning’

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