I was excited to see the store had this, but not so much about the price. Alas, where I live, it’s not readily available and it’s just about the going rate. I did pay it, though, because as I start my more in depth exploration of Campbeltown, at least this expression I wanted a full bottle of given its reputation and with it being the standard release of the people that make 4 of the 5 “lines” from Campbeltown.
Springbank 10, Campbeltown Single Malt, 46% ABV
Minutia: Matured in ex-Bourbon and ex-Sherry casks. Enjoyed neat in a glencairn.
Color: Tawny russet muscat, 1.3.5.
Nose: Appley malt, cakey/vanilla/bready, rubbery smoke.
Taste: Oily malt, heat, peaty funk.
Finish: Heat and peat take the front, salt becomes more apparent as it diminishes. Medium length.
So, something happens to this after it’s opened. My first glass was underwhelming, and almost mediocre if you can believe it. That funky, maritime type flavor I have come to really enjoy wasn’t really there and it was simply good, not warranting the praise and recommendations it gets around here. But then it was a bit after the first glass and surprisingly, given it was only couple of days, it tasted entirely different. There was a whole new dimension to it I hadn’t noticed before, and it was excellent. I first noticed it when I fell asleep with some still in the glass. Typically if that happens, the whisky is thin (both in flavor and viscosity) but the next day I gave it a sip to see how it was and it was somehow different…better, almost. After that point my perspective changed and I got so much more out of this one. It wasn’t quite like how the Kilkerran Heavily Peated had me going as soon as I poured it, but I went through this bottle much more quickly than I typically do. It’s too pricy and not quite spectacular enough to always keep on my shelf, but if I could get this for the normal prices people in the UK enjoy it would be.
Score: 88
SMWS Name: Black bordered Volcanic Island
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