20 July 2020

Hazelburn 10

I had tried some Longrow and Springbank, and even though peat is a thing I really like in whisky I wanted to give Springbank’s unpeated variety a shake.

Hazelburn 10, Campbeltown Single Malt, 46% ABV

Minutia: Matured in ex-Bourbon casks. Enjoyed neat in a glencairn.

Color: Deep copper, 1.0.

Nose: Boozy, grassy, leather.

Taste: Thick feel but light in weight, tingly, fruit, into a funk that feels smoky. Had you told me this was at least a bit peated, I’d have believed you based on this part.

Finish: Malty, spices. The smoky funk from the taste continues into the beginning of the finish, but that does not persist long at all. The malty, spicy part of the finish continues medium.

Like I expected, this was well made, good stuff that I wish had peat to appeal more to me. The smokiness was unexpected given the unpeated nature, so was a welcome surprise I really appreciated. Definitely looking to try some of the older expressions to see if some more cask influence brings that out more or less (I’m hoping more). Also, I’m curious if this is at all like the Springbank 10 (which I am working through a bottle of but haven’t yet reviewed). I initially found the Springbank 10 a bit lackluster, almost mediocre. After a short amount of time it really opened up in a way that is super appealing, and the smoky, funky quality I like from Campbeltown which I found too muted to my liking was ultra pronounced.

Score: 76

SMWS Name: Who spilled a bit of peat in the Hazelburn?

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